Roger in the newspaper? This is going straight to the pool room! by roger mainwood

Palm Cove Pool TPG Architects.JPG

In another incarnation of the Great Australian Dream, the subject of swimming pools saw Roger Mainwood’s name pop up in an article in last weekend’s Australian.

The article entitled ‘Swimming in Equality’, written by Rosanne Barrett, celebrates Australia’s enduring love affair with the suburban pool – enjoyed by young and old alike in spaces where all can interact.

One of the featured projects was Roger Mainwood’s pool design for a luxury residence in Palm Cove (pictured above). With two infinity edges, (one out to the coast, one to the building) the pool seamlessly brings the Great Barrier Reef and Cape Tribulation right into the lounge and and vice versa.

 Online subscribers to the Australian can read the story via the following link:

Malanda Township Master Plan adopted by Tablelands Regional Council by roger mainwood

Roger Mainwood from TPG Architects has been working with James Cook University’s Tropical Urban Design Lab (TUDLab) and Tablelands Regional Council (TRC) to create a master plan encapsulating the community’s vision for their town on the Atherton Tablelands. Commencing in April this year, the project involved several stakeholder workshops, design sessions and hands-on learning opportunities for students of urban planning from JCU. Along with TPG Architects’ input to Ravenshoe’s Town Centre Master Plan, the successful outcome of this project for Malanda has led to a formal partnership between JCU and TRC to continue working together to shape the Tablelands.

Partnering with other industry consultants from the TUDLab, landscape architect Andrew Prowse and Gisela Jung from CA Architects, JCU’s Lisa Law and planning students Bella King and Harley Lyons presented the final draft of the master plan at the Malanda Show in July – a welcome opportunity to reconnect with the locals and also wear jumpers in Tropical North Queensland.

Left to right: Roger Mainwood from TPG Architects, Andrew Prowse, Bella King, Harley Lyons, Gisela Jung and Lisa Law.

Left to right: Roger Mainwood from TPG Architects, Andrew Prowse, Bella King, Harley Lyons, Gisela Jung and Lisa Law.

The final Malanda Master Plan can be downloaded from the TRC website via the following link:

TPG Architects wins $30M capital works programme for three of Cairns’ major state schools by roger mainwood

Grafton Street entry to Cairns State High School’s new Centennial Hall by TPG Architects

Grafton Street entry to Cairns State High School’s new Centennial Hall by TPG Architects

The Queensland Department of Education have invested 30 million dollars in major projects for three schools in the Cairns region. Through a tender process, TPG Architects have been commissioned to design facilities and upgrades for Cairns High, Smithfield High and Trinity Beach State schools.

Cairns High School, first built in 1917, will celebrate with the development of Centennial Hall - a new three-court multipurpose hall featuring a distinctive façade of laser cut panels based on the school’s Indigenous logo. The school’s use of brick work in much of its architectural heritage will be continued in this significant development.

Smithfield High will feature a ‘Centre for Athlete Development and Performing Arts’ (CADPA) in addition to more classrooms and an upgraded special education unit. This project led to a subsequent commission for TPG to collaboratively deliver with the school, a master plan founding a vision for development over the next three decades for the 36 year old school.

Partnering with TPG Architects are CA Architects who will assist in the delivery of Trinity Beach State School’s new two storey building including eight classrooms and an undercroft. The school’s Junior Precinct will also feature a new special education unit, covered nature play area and tuckshop.

Smithfield State High School Master Plan

Smithfield State High School Master Plan

Tropical residence in Palm Cove designed by TPG Architects goes on market by roger mainwood

This property at 9 Colonel Cummings Drive Palm Cove overlooking the ocean was designed by Roger Mainwood and took five years to build.

According to Elizabeth Tilley writing in the Cairns Post and Courier Mail, owners David and Sharron Probert built the home from scratch after buying the 500 sqm block of land for $585,000 in 2002.

“We landed in Cairns with no intention of buying land, but on the very first day in far north Queensland, we came across this piece of land that had some of the best views we’d ever seen and we knew straight away this plot could be home,” Mr Probert said. Read the rest of the article here.

Cairns City Centre Master Plan Unveiled by roger mainwood

TPG Architects led the design team in a collaborative partnership with TCL, CA Architects , Andrew Prowse Landscape Architect and Council’s Strategic Planning Department. In an overarching vision which embraces tropical urbanism, the design strategies adopted by CRC envision a vibrant, safe, sustainable and better connected hub which celebrates culture and promotes economic growth.

For more information and to download the master plan, visit CRC’s website via the following link:

Article written by Roger and Stefanie from TPG featured in Architecture Australia Magazine by roger mainwood

Image courtesy of Architecture Australia

Image courtesy of Architecture Australia

TPG director Roger Mainwood and graduate architect Stefanie Field contributed this article, first published in Architecture Australia for its Jan/Feb 2019 edition. Designed by Bud Branningan Architects, the Les Wilson Barramundi Discovery Centre in Karumba (pictured above) was awarded the 2018 Australian Institute of Architects Queensland Chapter prize for public projects.

For more info about Architecture Australia publications, visit:

New Chinese Cultural Centre for Cairns by TPG Architects by roger mainwood


The Year of the Pig will see a beautiful new community centre and museum to house the Lit Sung Goong Temple collection for CADCAI, celebrating the founding families of Cairns’ historical and contemporary Chinese community. TPG Architects look forward to the development of this exciting project. Meet you by the moon gate soon.

CoCA Redevelopment Cairns 2019 by roger mainwood

TPG Architects_CoCA_Cairns_2019_web.jpg

2019 is set to be an exciting year in the cultural life of Cairns. Arts Queensland has unveiled TPG Architects’ design for the major upgrade to the Centre of Contemporary Arts (CoCA). Incorporated in the sun shade screen facade will be a digital screen that will platform curated public art. Depicted here is My Country by Mornington Island artist Kuruwarriyingathi Bijarrb Paula Paul, 2009.

To see the design plans on Arts Queensland’s website, click here.